MARENO Valpolicella Ripasso Classico Superiore BIO

Mareno BIO

Mareno 2019
Valpolicella Ripasso D.O.C. Classico Superiore BIO

bottle 750 ml
price: 14 €

From our grapes Corvina, Corvinone and Rondinella bio hand-picked after careful selection. Slow refermentation of the Valpolicella wine on the still sweet pomace of the Recioto, is completed with aging in large oak barrels for 12 months. On the nose stand out hints of cherries (marene), in the mouth strong and persistent.

Caratteristiche climatiche dell’anno

A season characterised by an early budding of all vine varieties, about 6-7 days earlier than the previous year, the frequent rains alternating with sunny days and temperatures above the seasonal average for the period favoured an almost luxuriant development of the shoots first and then the bunches. The April rains also favoured the ripening of downy mildew oospores, which from late May to mid-June triggered a succession of infections, first on the leaves and then directly on the bunches. The flowering period was therefore characterised by low temperatures and continuous leaf wetness, which made the vine’s defence strategy complicated. From bud break onwards, we can say that we experienced a tropical weather pattern, characterised by heavy and abundant rainfall alternating with hot and sultry days.

Note degustative

Wine with an intense dark red color, an elegant aroma, ripe fruit and spices and a flavor of persistent importance, warm, with an enveloping, harmonious softness.


Mareno goes well with all the traditional Venetian dishes, especially grilled red meats, roasts and stews. It is suggested to serve at a temperature of about 16/18°C and to uncork at least an hour before.

Name: Valpolicella Ripasso DOC Classico Superiore BIO
Harvest: 2019
Vines: Corvina,Rondinella and Molinara
Territory: Valpolicella Classica
Location: Fumane di Valpolicella – 5,81 hectares
Altitude: 220 to 350 m s.l.m
Exposure: South-South East
Soil type: predominantly limestone with clay veins
Training system: spinning and pergola
Planting density: 3500 pnt/Ha
Harvest: manual harvesting carried out in the first half of October
Vinification: double fermentation of the Valpolicella Classico Superiore aged 1 or 2 years in large oak barrels and passed on the Amarone pomace: the prestigious wine made from dried grapes.
Fermentation: in fermentation tanks in French oak with periodic daily pumping over
Fermentation temperature: 22/30°C
Fermentation time: 15 days
Malolactic fermentation: in French oak barrels with a capacity not exceeding 30 hl
Aging: in large oak barrels for 12 months
Analytical data:
Alcohol content: 14.50% Vol
Total acidity: 5,6 g/l
Volatile acidity: 0,63 g/l
Residual sugars: 0,60 g/l
Dry extract: 29,20 g/l
Total SO2: 100 mg/l

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