Diamantino BIO

Diamantino BIO

Diamantino BIO
Garda Bianco D.O.C. BIO

Bottle 750 ml e
price 10 €

Diamantino BIO is a wine made from carefully selected organic Chardonnay grapes. Produced according to the traditional method, exclusively with grapes of the Company, in the suggestive hilly area of Fumane, in a place called Costa, with South-South-East exposure. Its production is limited.

Note degustative

Straw yellow colored wine with the aroma of fruit and honey.
Fresh, rich and persistent taste.


It goes well with all the traditional Venetian dishes of both fish and meat. It is suggested to serve at a temperature of 10 ° – 11 ° C.

Name: Bianco Veronese I.G.T.
Vines: Chardonnay
Territory: Valpolicella Classica.
Location: Fumane di Valpolicella – 5,59 hectars
Altitude: 220 to 350 m s.l.m
Exposure: South-Southeast
Soil type: mainly rocky limestone with clay veins
Training system: spin
Planting density: 3500 pnt/Ha
Harvest: manual harvesting done in September
Vinification: soft pressing
Fermentation: in steel at a controlled temperature
Fermentation temperature: 18/20°C
Fermentation time: 15 days
Malolactic fermentation: in steel barrel
Dati analitici:
Alcohol content: 12,50% Vol
Total alkalinity: 5,40 g/I
Residual sugars: 0,6 g/I
Dry extract: 19,3 g/I
Free SO2: 9,5 mg/1
Total SO2: 97 mg/1
pH 3,36

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