Vallalta Recioto della Valpolicella

Vallalta Recioto

Vallalta 2014

Recioto della Valpolicella D.O.C.G. Classico
Bottle 500 ml e
price: 25 €

From our grapes Corvina, Corvinone and Rondinella bio hand-picked only from the oldest vines of the Vallalta district. The dried grapes have a very slow fermentation on native yeasts. Produced according to the traditional method and in limited quantities.

The Climatic characteristics of the year

That of 2014 will be remembered as one of the wettest summers in history with lightning, storms and tornadoes: out-of-control climatic phenomena and, above all, out of season that from the agricultural point of view have compromised many sectors including the wine sector and in particular that of Valpolicella. Only a careful selection of the grapes and a continuous control of the same during the withering phase have allowed to produce quality wines also in this vintage.

Tasting notes

Intense ruby red wine with hints of dried red fruit. On the palate full and round flavor, with hints of cherry and plum and slightly spicy aromas, a great complexity well balanced between acidity, alcohol and sweetness.


Vallalta goes well with all desserts in general; in particular with dry biscuits, shortbread and simple desserts of the Venetian tradition. Serve at 16 ° C.

Name: Recioto della Valpolicella D.O.C.G. Classico
Vines: Corvina e Rondinella
Territory: Valpolicella Classico
Location:: Fumane di Valpolicella – 5,59 hectares
Altitude: 220 to 350 m s.l.m.
Exposure: South-Southeast
Soil type: mainly rocky limestone with clay veins
Training system: filare and pergola
Planting density: 3500 pnt/Ha
Harvest: manual harvesting done in October
Withering of the bunches: in a natural atmosphere and forced ventilation for about 4 months
Vinification: soft pressing of the de-stemmed bunches in January / February
Fermentation: in French oak barrels with daily pumping over
Fermentation temperature: 22/30°C
Fermentation time: 15 days
Malolactic fermentation: in French oak barrels with a capacity not exceeding 30 hl
Aging: in French oak barrels for at least 12 months
Analytical data:
Alcohol content: 14.50%
Total alkalinity: 5,84 g/l
Residual sugars: 72,13 g/l
Dry extract: 110,60 g/l
Free SO2: 4 mg/l
Total SO2: 37 mg/l
pH 3,59

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